It is made on predefined materials or services to be provided over a certain period of time. Please provide a business example of a planning agreement without a planning agreement. Indeed, scheduling agreements require the division of the schedule. Select the appropriate item and press the button in the Posts section of the planning agreement: Click the Details button for a single item Press the button to view the header details in the planning agreement: Use the button to view the header details The planning agreement document type is DS – Delivery schedule The default sales document type for planning agreements is LZ. Deliveries are automatically created from the list of planning lines in the planning agreement. Deliveries are made if the list of delivery due dates is executed on the same date on which the schedule is relevant for deliveries. The following master data is involved in creating a planning agreement. This master data retrieves the relevant information and fills in the relevant fields accordingly: As you already wish, you can please – “give a business example for a planning agreement without a planning agreement” – and also from a business point of view explain what you are trying to configure. If your organization purchases large quantities of hardware and the demand is spread over a predefined period of time, you can use the Planning Agreement Planning Agreement for Planning Agreement (FRC) publication types or the Just-in-Time Planning (JIT) agreement, or both, through the traditional method of issuing discrete purchase orders or contract release orders for procurement. Using planning agreements has the following advantages over the traditional method of issuing discrete purchase orders or contract release for procurement: Since a planning agreement is a legal document, the system prompts you to fill in the validity dates: Well-written tutorial. Some suggestions/questions: * The menu path to VL10A would help as it is completely different from the other menu paths in the SD tutorial.

* a little more explanation on the list of delivery due dates would help – that is, the delivery of the 10 is displayed in green (which is probably completed), while that of the 4 shows amber (which I guess is in progress). * How did the position of the 4th appear in the supply contract? This part is not clear. Has the system entered it? Specify a delivery date and target quantity. Click Save. The planning lines are now maintained for the planning agreement. Then specify the vendor name, contract type, purchasing organization, purchasing group, and factory, and contract date. Here you can see that the A7000 Ship-to-Party has two deliveries 30000053 compared to the planning agreement number we created earlier. These deliveries are due on 4 November 2016 and 10 November 2016 respectively. The planning agreement is a long-term agreement with the supplier that covers the delivery of materials under specified conditions. The conditions apply for a predefined period of time with the predefined time and total.

The planning agreement consists of two types LP (without version documentation) and LPA (with version documentation). You can get the goods in MIGO or MB01 t.code, instead of entering the order number, enter the planning agreement number in the Order number field. . . .